Oregon Wildflower Photography Season

Rhododendrons in Oregon

Oregon Wildflower Photography Season is here. It’s time to go act like a bumble bee and flit from flower to flower, cameras in hand. Here in the Mount Hood and Columbia River Gorge area especially as we have so many options as well as a very long season to photograph them. Oregon Wildflower Photography Season … Read more

Get Into Photography Now

Snoqualmie Falls, Washington film photo

Get Into Photography Now – I’m asked frequently what camera that I would recommend if one wants to “get into photography”. To this I reply that they most likely carry a camera that will get them into photography every day. In this day and age you don’t have to wait to get into photography. There’s no … Read more

Considering 2016

Mount Hood in Black and White

It’s been another great year here at Gary Randall Photography. I hope that it was for you all as well. After all setbacks are considered, we’re thankful for the growth and progress that has taken place in life and business, including being included as a writer for the Mountain Times. As I look back on … Read more

Landscape Photography Ethics and Stewardship

Columbia Gorge

Landscape Photography Ethics and Stewardship of our public lands. If you haven’t noticed lately, our public lands have become quite popular in the last decade. Many of the folks that are visiting them are inspired by the photos posted on social platforms such as Instagram or Facebook. We have all seen that epic photo of someone standing … Read more

Is That Photoshopped?

Trillium Lake Aurora

“Is that photoshopped?” I hear that question every now and then, mostly on Social Media, although not as much as I used to ten years ago. I suspect that it could be that digital photography has become accepted more, and with websites such as Instagram that allow the user to alter their photos with a … Read more

Take Better Cell Phone Photos

The Columbia River

What did we ever do without our cell phones? In this era of miraculous technology it’s hard to remember how it was to wait until we got home to make a call or to search for a phone booth along the way. They have revolutionized communication. These little devices have also revolutionized photography as well. … Read more

Flower Season

Mt Hood Rhododendrons Oregon

Flower Season Spring has come and gone and now we look forward to Summer here on Mount Hood. Summer on Mount Hood is our best time for wildflowers. Most of the flowers at the lower elevations have come and are starting to go, but our elevation and snow cover delay’s the bloom and gives us … Read more

Accessories That Make a Difference For Your Camera

Last month I shared a few thoughts to consider when choosing the right digital camera for your use. I mentioned how one can easily get by with just their cell phone camera, while others will consider much more when deciding on a camera and will decide on a Digital Single Lens Reflex or Mirrorless camera … Read more