Ruined It For The Rest Of Us

Keep Out

I remember central Oregon back in the innocent days. My family has lived in central Oregon for five generations. I once drove a delivery truck route that included Wasco, Jefferson, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler and Crook counties. I got to know a lot of ranchers and farmers during that time. Those were the days of trust … Read more

Fort Rock Night Photography

The Milky Way at Fort Rock Oregon

Fort Rock Night Photography – After a drive from my home here on the south side of Mount Hood to Central Oregon for some Fort Rock Night Photography. I and my friend Rob arrived at the Fort Rock Museum, what’s left of the history of this little town, and the geologic feature it’s named for. … Read more

What Lens Should I Use?

Mt Hood at 20mm lens

What Lens Should I Use? – The most asked question of me is typically advice in what camera that one should get. I have addressed this in a previous blog post. The second most asked question may be what lens to choose. In SLR (single lens reflex) photography there are basically two types of lenses … Read more

Moonlit Mount St Helens

Moonlit Mount St Helens

Moonlit Mount St Helens with lupines in the foreground taken from Johnston Ridge Observatory. Night photography is a lot of fun but can be a challenge, even on a bright moonlit night, but the results can be dramatic. The breeze made this shot a challenge, while the moon light threatened to shine too bright and … Read more

Moonlight and Flowers on Mount St Helens

Mount St Helens in the moonlight

Moonlight and Flowers on Mount St Helens With about 50% moonlight I set up this shot at Loowit Viewpoint near the Johnston Ridge Observatory at the Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The clouds above the mountain created a great fan like effect. I used a short tripod to include … Read more

Amazing White River Falls & Celestial Falls Oregon

White River Falls Oregon

White River Falls and Celestial Falls Oregon White River Falls in the background and Celestial Falls in the foreground on the White River near the town of Tygh Valley Oregon. White River has its source on the southeast side of Mount Hood and its terminus at its confluence with the Deschutes River just north of … Read more

Photographing Lightning

Lightning at Simnasho Oregon

Photographing Lightning – With Spring and early Summer comes transitional weather that will cause some amazing photography opportunities. Everything from blue skies with majestic thunderheads, rainbows and lightning. It is photographing lightning that I’m asked about how to capture the most.  A lightning bolt typically lasts about 10 to 50 microseconds (0.000050 sec). That’s a lot … Read more

Panther Creek Falls Washington Video

panther creek falls

Panther Creek Falls Washington Video A video of a beautiful Spring morning with my friends Peter and Paul at the always amazing Panther Creek Falls near Carson Washington. Please tread lightly.