Photographing Our Feathered Friends

I’ve been enjoying taking photos of the various birds that visit my yard. The most common have been the dark eyed junco, chestnut-backed chickadee, varied thrush, red-breasted nuthatch, and of course our crows and stellar jays, but my favorites are probably the cute little downy woodpeckers. 

Gary Randall Top Ten Photos from 2022

I’m looking forward to another awesome year in 2023 but thought that it would be appropriate for me to share a few of my favorite photos from 2022. Sometimes a favorite photo may not be the best photo, but when it’s coupled to the experience the resulting photo means more. The photo becomes more personal. And so while you’re looking at these photos please keep in mind that these are my personal favorites.

My Favorite Wildlife Photos of 2021

Denali Alaska Grizzly Bear

In the past, at the end of the year, I have only posted the summary of my previous year as it was represented in the landscape photos that I had made. As I looked through my portfolio from 2021 one thing stood out to me and that is that I am starting to have a large part of it wildlife photos.