Night Sky Photography

Mt Hood Milky Way

Night Sky Photography  – Summer is here. For a landscape photographer this time of the year means good weather, green forests, flowers, warmer nights and starry night skies. I enjoy heading out for a sunset and staying until the stars come out, and in many cases, staying out until sunrise. Sunsets and sunrises are always a wonderful time to get dramatic landscape photos, while landscape photos with an amazing Milky Way in the sky above can be unique and dramatic.

Making Money With Photography

Wedding Photography

If making money with your photography is your goal, what’s holding you back?

It’s taken me a long time to realize that making money with your camera can be pretty simple, but one must be happy making a little in the beginning and realize that the dream of good money comes in time. Like all journeys the sooner that you start the sooner that you arrive where you want to be.

He’s too close for missiles Goose!

Full Manual Meme

I encourage everyone to shoot on Manual Mode, but I’m talking from the perspective of a landscape photographer. In landscape photography we are typically in no hurry and it’s important to control your camera settings to make sure that you have, what I call, the three essentials captured properly – focus, dof, and exposure. You don’t want to have the camera choose one or two or even all three of the settings that allow you to affect the three essentials. In most every case you will want to control all three by having absolute control over the critical settings, shutter speed, aperture and ISO.

Now with that being said, as photographer who practices more genres than landscape there are absolutely times when switching to an Automatic Mode on your DSLR helps greatly to increase your chances at getting great photos.

My Photography Lens Filters

Little Creek Swirly

One of the most asked questions of me is one concerning lens filters. So let’s talk about filters for a minute.

Filters are round glass elements that screw onto the end of your lens, or in some cases glass or resin panels that are placed on front of the lens using a fixture. The purpose of these filters is to affect several different things when you’re taking a photo.

Camera Basics Refresher

Family Fishing Photo

Camera Basics Refresher

Well, it’s a new year and Christmas has come and gone. With the popularity of photography lately I’m sure that there will be some readers who have received the gift that they wanted, a new digital camera. Because of this I have decided to brush up on how to use it to more of its potential. So let’s talk about manual camera operation.

Fort Rock Night Photography

The Milky Way at Fort Rock Oregon

Fort Rock Night Photography – After a drive from my home here on the south side of Mount Hood to Central Oregon for some Fort Rock Night Photography. I and my friend Rob arrived at the Fort Rock Museum, what’s left of the history of this little town, and the geologic feature it’s named for. … Read more

What Lens Should I Use?

Mt Hood at 20mm lens

What Lens Should I Use? – The most asked question of me is typically advice in what camera that one should get. I have addressed this in a previous blog post. The second most asked question may be what lens to choose. In SLR (single lens reflex) photography there are basically two types of lenses … Read more

Photographing Lightning

Lightning at Simnasho Oregon

Photographing Lightning – With Spring and early Summer comes transitional weather that will cause some amazing photography opportunities. Everything from blue skies with majestic thunderheads, rainbows and lightning. It is photographing lightning that I’m asked about how to capture the most.  A lightning bolt typically lasts about 10 to 50 microseconds (0.000050 sec). That’s a lot … Read more

An Introduction to Lightroom

An Introduction to Lightroom

Hi folks. I have been asked by a lot of people to create a video introduction to Lightroom. I stayed up late last night and put together an informal video explaining Lightroom’s basics. This should get you started. I hope that this helps to get you motivated to start shooting raw and processing your own photos … Read more