My Favorite Photos From 2023

2023 was quite a year with several epic adventures. The Columbia River Gorge, Oregon Coast, the San Juans in Colorado for Autumn colors and then I returned to Caddo Lake for more Autumn bayou adventures. Of course I still found time to photograph my home here near Mount Hood as well as another love of mine, Central Oregon.

Submerged Bald Cypress Trees at Caddo Lake, Uncertain Texas

I made a lot of photos that I’m proud of so it’s difficult for me to choose ten. Of the ten that I chose this year some may not be my best but they’re photos that I’m fond of.

Passing Through The Bayou at Caddo Lake, Uncertain Texas

A landscape photographer’s judgement of their photos is always seasoned a little by the experience that they had that was a part of making the photo. I’m sure that if I were to throw up my portfolio and asked for you all to choose your favorites they might not be those what I have chosen. I think that is true for most any photographer, or any artist for that matter.

The Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon

Many of the photos that I’ve included here were taken during one of the incredible workshops that I was privileged to conduct or was a co-leader of. This coming year will be providing me with more opportunities to teach the photography that I love so much to create.

Rhododendron’s in the majestic California Coastal Redwoods

I’m happy to announce that I will be co-leading a workshop at the Oregon Coast with my good friend, the talented Nicole Pino. She and I will be a part of a team of photographers who will be offering trips for photographers to places all around the world. My friend Chris Byrne is introducing Destination Earth Photography Tours. I’m proud to be a part of the team that includes, Nicole Pino, Shane Kalyn, Lyle Krannichfeld, Chris Byrne and me.

Beautiful morning light in the California Coastal Redwoods

I want to thank my adventure partners from this last season. Chris Byrne and Alyce Bender were both instrumental in making many of the photos that I made this season possible. I can’t thank them enough for believing in and supporting me.

Lily Pads at Caddo Lake, Uncertain Texas

This set is heavily loaded with photos from Caddo Lake. I have created photos there that have changed my vision on how I approach my photos. This is a place that challenged me at first but once I was familiar and comfortable with the place I started to understand it. I’m looking forward to returning again next season.

Sunset on Caddo Lake Texas

Another life changing experience was my trip with Chris Byrne and a workshop group to the San Juan Mountains in Colorado. We were there at just the right time for the best Autumn colors, and even had a dusting of snow to help with the beauty of the photos we made.

Mt Sneffels near Ouray Colorado

And, of course the southern Oregon Coast never disappoints. We had beautiful conditions and this trip always includes a visit to the epic California Coastal Redwood forests. We always seem to get incredible light in the forest, and the light beams seem to always show up for us. I’m not sure if we’re lucky or charmed, but Chris Byrne and I have never been let down in the redwoods.

Clear Creek near Zigzag Oregon

I added a couple of photos that I made near my home, including a wonderful Mt Hood Lily that I took at the end of the day. The last light from the sun lit up this beautiful flower and I had to pay attention to it. The other is of Clear Creek near Zigzag Oregon because I can’t leave out a mossy photo from the mix off my favorites.

And so, I hope that you enjoy the ten that I have chosen to represent my year of landscape photography adventures.

Mt Hood Lily in the Mount Hood National Forest

Fine art prints of these are available. Contact me for information.