Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center Photography Workshop 2016

Opal Creek Ancient Forest Photography Workshop 2016, the third year for this amazing experience. We had the largest group yet and we all had a great time.

The weather was sunny for the first day for the hike in to Jawbone Flats and to our cabin. We spent the rest of the day exploring places around the historic mining town to photograph. We all got to know each other before we called it a night early enough to make it breakfast when the bell rang at 8am.

The second morning was beautiful. It had clouded up giving us some nice even light for our hike down the Little North Fork of the Santiam River, a three mile walk through some amazing old growth forest. We stopped for a picnic on the side of amazing bedrock pools. The further that we walked the more wet it got, but it didn’t get intolerable until just before we got back to the cabin. The rest of the day was spent looking at and processing our photos from the hike and talking shop.

The third day was anther day of scattered showers for the hike back. We photographed our way back to our vehicles and bid adieu to each other as new friends.

The experience was indeed one that is more to be described as an adventure. Staying in a cabin together, eating in a community hall family style with the rest of the staff and visitors of Jawbone Flats. In only a matter of a couple of days we start to feel like a part of this unique community.

If you’re interested in a truly unique photography workshop experience please consider joining us next season.

Here are a few photos of the field trip.