Alaska Winter Bush Plane Glacier Adventure

Knik Glacier Alaska

This photo is of the huge ice face of the Knik Glacier in Alaska. I was able to photograph this miraculous location due to my good friend Bill Nafus and his amazing new hand built Super Cub bush plane. Bill built the airplane from the ground up and it’s perfect in every detail.

The Marquam Bridge Portland Oregon

The Marquam Bridge Portland Oregon

The Marquam Bridge Portland Oregon.

My friend Matt Payne and I were talking about this photo of The Marquam Bridge Portland Oregon and how it’s such a prominent in a sea of city lights, making it an obvious composition for a photographer with an eye for detail. I think that some who have photographed this overpass intersection have done it intentionally due to seeing the photo but others who may not have seen this previously just see it and do it.

2018 Columbia River Gorge Calendars and Note Cards

Oregon Landscape Photography Notre Cards

2018 Columbia River Gorge Calendars and Note Cards 2018 Columbia River Gorge 12 Month Calendar – $20.00 <– CLICK HERE 4-Packs of photo note cards – $10 <— CLICK HERE In light of the recent Eagle Creek fire in the Columbia River Gorge I have decided to dedicate my 2018 calendar to all gorge photos. There … Read more

Camera Basics Refresher

Family Fishing Photo

Camera Basics Refresher

Well, it’s a new year and Christmas has come and gone. With the popularity of photography lately I’m sure that there will be some readers who have received the gift that they wanted, a new digital camera. Because of this I have decided to brush up on how to use it to more of its potential. So let’s talk about manual camera operation.

Aurora Borealis Over the Knik River Alaska

Aurora Borealis Over the Knik River

This is a photo of the aurora borealis over the Knik River and the Chugach Mountains near Butte Alaska.

This photo was taken August 25th, 2013 at 3:09 am. I had just arrived at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport around midnight that night on my first trip to Alaska and I was already photographing the northern lights.

The Plight of A Photographer in 1912

A Photographer in 1912

A Photographer in 1912 – It seems that not a lot has changed since the old days of photography. This poor fellow lays it all on the line with his sign. It reads: AMATEURS PLIGHT CAMERA. TRIPOD. PLATES. DEVELOPER. FIXER. CARDS. TRAYS. RED WORKING LIGHT. MONEY ALL GONEBUSTEDIF YOU WANT A PICTURECOUGH UP 10¢ IN … Read more

Sunday Driver Photographers – Stopping Along the Way

A Sunday Drive

Have you ever been driving down a country road and glanced to the side and then slammed your brakes, put it reverse, jumped out to snap a photo and then drive on? A photographer can be the worse Sunday Driver to get behind when the light is right unless they’re in a hurry to get … Read more