Here’s a photo that Candee Watson and I worked on during her private workshop. Candee took this photo and I processed it during the post processing segment of her workshop.
Although the photo was practically perfect straight from the camera, I demonstrated a few techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop on this image, which include:
- Healing brush and clone tool.
- Brightness and contrast adjustment with levels and curves adjustment layers globally as well as selectively using luminosity selections.
- Dodging and burning using luminosity selections.
- Light Bleed using eye dropper and Soft Light blend mode.
- Applying a tasteful and effective vignette.
- Selectively applying an Orton effect using masks.
- Blend If for shadows and highlight recovery.
- Sharpening techniques.
Although I demonstrated these techniques, I also stressed the importance of being subtle in the use of them and to do all that you can in your power to get the best photo while you’re in the field.
You can easily see that the photo is great the way it is, and would be fine with nothing more than a minor brightness and contrast adjustment in Lightroom. She nailed it in the field.
If you’re interested in taking your photography to the level of fine art, perhaps consider a workshop. I conduct more private workshop sessions than group workshops. Contact me and schedule a day playing… I mean, working on improving your photographic art.
If you aren’t already following Candee Watson, Like her Photography page. You’ll be glad that you did. 🙂